Last Friday I went to the Santa Cruz Art League to see the current show, "5th Annual California Fiber Arts Exhibit". Beautiful, fun and amazing stuff! One piece that caught my interest was a dress crocheted from casette tape. I'm sorry that I didn't note the artist's name to mention it here. Casette tape as yarn. HMMM.. It was one of those things I just had to try. Later in the day, as I was telling my idea to a co-worker, she suggested that I stop by her house and collect a box full of tapes from the garage which they needed to get rid of. Okay. I did.Over the weekend, I thought I might weave something cool to enter into the show at the Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center entitled "Experiments in Art and Technology". That was a little too ambitious as the dropoff for the show was on Sunday. Here are the first two experiments. Let me know if you have any fabulous ideas. I was thinking of doing a wall piece with this kind of fold thing going on. My kids think belts and guitar straps would be cool. What do you think?

Casette tape is easy to dispense from the handy little container with rollers, unlike most yarn. It is pretty strong, although I did break a few warps while weaving with it. It feels strange, something between paper and plastic. But, my oh my, is it shiny! It was a bit hard to get a good photo. You can click on any of the photos to make them larger. Look at this box of raw materials. How compact is that? Better than any yarn I own.

What a cool idea! Hmmmm...I've got a batch of old cassette tapes I don't use any more...