Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Ukulele Strap

Last weekend, I was set up at the farmers market, and what a fine day it was!
The weather was perfect. Folks were fun to talk to. I had 3 spinners set up across from me and the wheel was going the whole time. My son, Max, spent the morning helping me. Because he has been around me weaving all of his life, he knows how to use an inkle loom. All three of my kids do. (Lalani age 28, Max age 25, Natasha age 21). During a slow time at the market Max picked up the Ashford Inklette and brushed up on his skills. Towards the end of the day he showed me, pointing out that at first the rows were even, but the edges weren't. Then he worked that out and it looked really good. A proud mom!

One of our favorite customers of the day was Barbara, who plays a ukulele. She loved the "Imagine" guitar strap and imagined that it would work on her ukulele, for which she needed a new strap. So off she went with it and sent me these photos.

 It seems that there are a large number of ukulele players here in the Santa Cruz area and each Saturday they get together at a beach site and play. On Sunday many were going to San Francisco to join others and set a new world record for the number of ukulele players all playing together in one spot. While they didn't actually get enough folks gathered to break the record, Barbara reports that a good time was had by all. You can read the NPR article here. There is even a video of the record-breaking gathering in London in 2009.

Or read this article about the Santa Cruz Ukulele Club in our local Santa Cruz Sentinel.

I'm glad that this special strap found a place with such an enthusiastic musician.


  1. That is a great story. It just reminds me of why I love functional art so much.

  2. What a wonderful story - hope the ukulele strap had lots of comments as well as the music.

  3. Great strap story, Ladies!
