Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Book That Was Never Written and What Will Take Its Place


For several years I've been saying that I would write a 3rd book. I know that some of you have been waiting. But, it may never come to be. The topic was to be my take on Speckled Pickup. But, other authors have quite adequately covered this technique, more often called "Baltic". In my next post, I'll share two lovely new resources. 

I like to design my own patterns in this technique, many of which don't resemble any traditional motifs. Rather than putting them into a book, they will be published in the future as pattern collections that will be available through my newest creator space, Patreon.            This is a very exciting thing for me as it will allow me to create a community of inkle weavers and share my curiosity, enthusiastic discoveries, lessons learned, tips, tutorials, and patterns. It has chat features! 

Not writing another book feels like a good decision and a big weight off my shoulders. Both of my previous books were on topics that were not covered in depth in other publications and needed to be written. These books have contributed to the knowledge base of bandweavers around the world, and I am immensely glad that I wrote them. I am very grateful to each and every person out there who has purchased one. My apologies if you are disappointed about the decision not to write the third one!

In my first book, I delved into color theory and how to use it in an inkle band. Most of the books that I learned from were written in a time (the 1980's) when books didn't have a lot of color illustrations. None of them deeply explored the possibilities of weaving brilliant bands in plain weave. 

It felt good to share my understanding of color, learned through thousands of experiments on the inkle loom. 
The book includes 200 pattern charts and describes how to use them as a launching point to design endless variations. 
Each pattern includes a link to open it in the free online tool,  the Seizenn Band Weaving Pattern Editor. The result is that each pattern is interactive. You can call it up and edit it to suit your individual tastes, or yarn stash. 

In my second book, I wrote about Three-Color pickup, a delightful variation on Baltic-style pickup. Unknown to most modern weavers, it is an older technique for which pattern books have not been readily available until now. 

Since I knew of no pattern book for this technique, I felt that I needed to write one so that it could be re-discovered and used in modern times. 

Both books are available in spiral-bound paper versions through my Etsy shop here:
OR ebooks are available through my Patreon shop here:

Please join me on Patreon where I will be posting regularly. I have so much to share!
As I settle in there, offerings and subscription levels may shift according to what I find to be helpful to most of my followers.

1 comment:

  1. Buon giorno ...abito in Italia ...come posso comperare i due libri...sarei molto interessata...grazie mille
