Saturday, June 26, 2010

Livin' the Life

Another week full of interesting people, things and , of coarse, weaving. Here I am laughing it up at "Early Days" in San Juan Bautista with living history friends last weekend.

And for my son's 25th birthday on Wednesday we had this wonderful disfunctional family get- together that bent all the rules of what "family" means. (How many ex-es can you put in one room together?) In this group we are all related somehow by choice or by chance. My 3 kids got to re-connect with their half-sister and her mom who are visiting from England, where they live. They have not been together for 9 years! Truly amazing to see how much my kids Loved their little sister!

I got this photo e-mailed to me by a man in Australia asking if I could make him a guitar strap like the one in the picture. What a challenge!I told him that I couldn't replicate the pattern exactly, but perhaps, catch the flavor.
Here is what I wove. I want to call it "Life is a Carnival" after the song by "The Band".
The colors are just like some sort of a festive event.Here is a fine article about choosing colors in WeaveZine.

This morning I started weaving another Celtic knot strap and then saw this article in WeaveZine about weaving knotwork on a larger scale. Beautiful!
Who knows what next week will bring.....


  1. That bright coloured guitar strap is great - hope he likes it! I also love the colours in the celtic knot - the orange setting off the greens. You are using another type of inkle loom in the photo - do you find the two sides work well?

  2. Beautiful work! I have an inkle loom that I'm embarrassed to say that I've never used, but you make me realize how much you can do with one.

  3. Thanks for your kind words.
    Evelyn- on the loom with two sides, the second one is removable. I take it off to set up and then put it on to weave. It is nice for traveling because the warps cannot go off the ends of the pegs. Setting up a loom with two sides is not fun.
    Judy- I certainly hope that you give your inkle loom a fair try! I just added a new tab at the top of my blog with "Uses for a Band". It has so many practical applications.

  4. Anne! Glorious colors and designs!!! I'm dazzled! xo Cait

  5. Thanks, Cait.
    I was just thinking about you last week when I wore my cuff. We both like playing with colors and I am in admiration of your results!
    If you all want to see some beautiful woven scarves and accessories, check out Cait's shop:

  6. Wooooo...the Band!! Love the guitar strap

  7. Love the carnival guitar strap and those laces in previous post! Wow.
