Products I Recommend

Listed below are some things which I have used in my inkle weaving and am happy to recommend. Each item is linked to a place where you can purchase it on the web. 

Omega Sinfonia (Sport Weight Cotton)                                                 
Omega Sinfonia
Tahki Cotton Classic (DK weight cotton)
Pearle Cotton in 3/2, 5/2 or 10/2
Hemp for Knitting
Linen 16/2
Cotton Carpet Warp

Strap Hardware:
Assorted Hardware for belts, dog collars and luggage straps, etc.
More Hardware
More Hardware
Weaver Leather Supply Hardware
Canadian Hardware Supplier

Ashford Inklette
For a discussion about the various looms and what I like about them, read this post: Meet My Family of Inkle Looms

Fringe Twister

Books, Videos:
In Celebration of Plain Weave: Color and Design Inspiration for Inkle Weavers by Annie MacHale
Inkle Weaving by Helene Bress
The Art of Simple Band Weaving by Susan J. Foulkes
A Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory by Anne Dixon
Sami Band Weaving by Susan J. Foulkes
Norwegian Pickup Bandweaving by Heather Torgenrud

1 comment:

  1. enjoyed the class at IWC, learned to keep edges more even,use color, and the lines of two warps seem to show how tight you pull the weft. the bars seem to show how tightly down the weft is packed, have to check the weaving just after pulling the belt around the loom, as that's when loose threads seem to cause trouble. thank you!!!
