
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Paint Out

A group that I belong to, the Aromas Hills Artisans,  has a monthly informal get-together we call "Paint Out". It is always held in some scenic place, often the yard or garden of a member. The idea is that we all just hang out and create art on the spot. Most of those who come can draw or paint, unlike myself.

When I show up, I bring along a loom and do what I do. Since I already have my loom warped up, I'm not creating spontaneously, inspired by what I see. However, I may find a pattern somewhere or color combination  and use it later.

Mostly, it's just fun to hang out and chat. I sat with my friend Linda Bjornson, who makes her living with her stained glass art, but also likes to sketch and paint with watercolors. Linda is quite accomplished in her stained glass work which you can see here on her website.

I also had the pleasure of chatting with a newer member, also a professional artist. Trudy Karl got my attention by saying "I love patterns."  A kindred spirit! Trudy showed me some of the illustration and design work which she sells through her website and others. I was particularly drawn to some of the Celtic knot patterns she has created.

I loved this picture of Katherine Stutz-Taylor with her paints and smile!  She is a printmaker extraordinaire and art teacher. You can  visit her website here.
At the end of the day, as we were leaving Linda said to me, "Did you see Darlene's painting? She was painting us!" Sure enough, there on Darlene's easel was a painting of Linda and I, which I loved. My camera batteries gave up before I could capture this. I hope to work something out later with Darlene to purchase it, and I'll show you then.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to spend time with a diversified group of artists!
