
Monday, September 12, 2011

Loom With A View

 This is what it looked like from my side of the loom.
From ASpinnerWeaver
 And here's from the other side of the loom. My husband took this one. We spent a night in this little tent cabin in Pescadero, Ca last weekend. It was a romantic getaway to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary.
In the morning we sat, drank tea and became part of the scenery. My sweet husband read to me while I wove.

This is the finished piece. It is a custom order to be used as a handfasting cord in an upcoming wedding ceremony. I hope the lucky couple are as lucky as we are! Refer to this post to read about the tradition of handfasting. 

I highly recommend the Coastanoa Resort.
Our cabin was nestled in this cypress forest and we had the one with the best view out over the valley.

In the afternoon, we went on a really nice hike over across the valley.
I was entertained by things we saw along the way.

I learned how to tell coyote scat from fox scat. And this pile of dry plants that looked like nothing to me, is really a wood rat's nest.

Here is the view out over the Pacific Ocean with Ano Nuevo Island in the distance.
Happy Anniversary to US!


  1. I am soooooooooooo envious!!!

    What a beautiful place to sit and weave.....and be with someone you KNOW you belong with :-)

    x Chris

  2. Such a perfect place to celebrate an anniversary. Happy Anniversary!

  3. How great, Annie. Happy Anniversary!

  4. I just happened across your blog while looking at different inkle looms. I live just north of Pescadero!
    I thought I'd stop in and say Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to the coast. It is beautiful, isn't it???

  5. Hi, Claudia! Thanks! It was perfect weather for our trip. We like Pescadero and would be happy to stay at Coastanoa again. Are you an inkle weaver? There aren't so many of us around. I live in Soquel, and that's not so far from you. ~Annie
