
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weekend Art Show in a Garden

What a fun weekend! I always enjoy hanging out with other artists/crafters. Sometimes the best part of doing a show is the neighbors.This show is held twice a year in the backyard garden of a couple of crafty women.
For some years there has been an evolving group of artists who come and show here. Everyone invites their friends and followers. Some members have moved away and return to town to do the show. It has the feel of a family reunion and party with art. We have delicious snacks and live music.

Come on in. I'll introduce you to some of my neighbors. 

       These gourd girls are the work of Wendy Simon who was positioned opposite me along the driveway. I got to watch many people admire and purchase her work throughout the weekend. Her gourd masks, felted pieces and dolls made from seed pods all have a playful nature.

Jena Massengill (Grateful Threads) combines denim clothing and Hawaiian shirts with beautiful results. By the end of the weekend, several of the other artists were wearing her irresistible pieces.

Kathy Sinnott (Beads on a Wire) not only makes these lampworked beads one at a time, but will  use them to create a custom bracelet, necklace or earrings for you on the spot. You can sort through her baskets and select the individual beads you want because no two are exactly alike.

The beads sparkled so beautifully in the sun. Each one has amazing detail. And, oh, the colors!
Laurie Mount makes bath salts, body lotions, and a variety of delicious things to eat: jams, jellies, chutney, and candies. Her toffee is to die for! I think everyone who has ever been to this show has walked away with some of Laurie's creations. You can read her food blog here:
This beautiful mosaic table is the work of Nadja Stanchfield, who is one of our hostesses for this event. The garden is full of color with her delightful Pique Assiette mosaics.

Nadja's mosaic license plate frames are very popular.
Nancy Worden was new to the show this time, but fit right in with the garden. Her fun handknit market bags seemed right at home here.
Bev Wesley entertained us with her ukulele music and songs. She has a good sense of humor and always has something new to sing for the group, which we really enjoy!
Here are a few of Bev's pendants. She has a great eye for combining stones and beads into her jewelry.
This little bird flew in from next door and roosted in my tent. It is the work of Jeannette Jennings (Firecat Pottery) and inspired by Mayan bird designs. Jeannette makes an array of ornaments, tableware, and tiles. You can visit her website here:
Many thanks to all of the artists and their friends and family who came to visit for making this a great weekend. I'm sorry that I couldn't include every one of them in this post. I didn't get nearly enough photos, but that will leave some for next time. Our fall show has already been scheduled for November 12 &13.


  1. What a fabulous idea! A garden is so inviting any time but imagine it full of beautiful handcraft too!

  2. First of all, thank you for all the time you put into making this post so you could share your lovely weekend and this group of talented amazing women.

    I would have love to have been able to attend. And I love the idea of everything being displayed in a backyard garden. So much more inviting than a row of tents.

    I am crazy for that Mayan bird ornament. have her shop bookmarked in hopes she will put any leftovers in the shop!

    thank you for sharing in such a beautiful way.

  3. That sounds like the funnest craft show ever!! Out in the fresh air, surrounded by gardens and music, what a lovely way to spend the weekend! I'm glad you had such a great time! :)

  4. I love to know that some craft shows are not only great to see other's creative efforts but a lot of fun for those that attend.
    Love the beads and pendant, just beautiful.

  5. The fair in the garden sounds like a lot of fun with less pressure. Wonderful pieces you have photographed.

  6. Annie
    Really nice way to summarize your weekend event! Love the pics and appreciate the time you took to comment.

  7. Annie,
    My new bamboo scarf makes a great head band and feels so incredibly soft. I just love it.

    Great shots., and Pam I will be putting in some new birds.


  8. What a beautiful garden to display and sell all these lovely crafts! Wonderful pictures.

  9. Annie, your pictures are breathtaking. This looks like it was a great weekend Thanks for letting us in on it!
