
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Surprise! I won!

I don't enter a lot of contests, buy raffle tickets, or lottery tickets or anything like that. I'm one of those people who say "I never win anything."  Last week, I entered two contests and asked my Facebook fans and friends to help me out. This one was worthy of entering whether or not I won, because I wanted to help out a business that I like.
A blend of Angora and Wool. I've never had real Angora yarn before!

Ashford Handicrafts is a business that has been around for over 75 years and almost everyone who weaves or spins has heard of them. But they are relatively new on Facebook and wanted to get the word out about their page. So they offered a fiber pack to the first 5 people who could encourage 5 friends to "Like" their page. I immediately fired off messages to all of my fiber friends on Facebook and that is a large number! While I did see that several of my friends answered the call, I never saw an announcement of the contest winners.

This blend of acrylic, alpaca and polyester feels dreamy!
But yesterday when I arrived home from work, there it was! My fiber pack! I won!
Anxious to see what was inside, I didn't waste any time. As I cut into the envelope, it burst open and out popped an amazing array of yarns! Just like they were anxious to see me, too.

Contents of my "Fiber Pack" Winnings
Thank you , Ashford Handicrafts!  And now to dream up some projects for all of these!

The Ashfords are nice folks. You may remember that I met Richard last year at Convergence.
He had a great smile and enthusiastic attitude that was infectious. He seemed to create a good time around him wherever he went. His wife, Elizabeth, is very sweet. Although we haven't yet met, I've enjoyed communicating via e-mail with her. Among other things, she maintains the "Ashford Club" and writes a periodical, "The Wheel".  I highly recommend that you join the club, read the magazine and keep up with them on Facebook. Ashford Handicrafts is a business which seems to be endlessly creative, coming out with new products all the time. They also hold fiber retreats and have a whole thriving community of fiber artists which they are the center of.  One day, I hope to get to New Zealand for a visit.


  1. Congratulations! Those are some beautiful yarns. I don't visit facebook often enough so didn't see the note about Ashford.

  2. Happy to get a sneak peek at what to expect in my own prize that will be waiting for me when I get home to Bolivia. Thank you!Now to figure out how to combine it all on my backstrap loom!

  3. Happy day, what fun to win free goodies!! It looks like a gorgeous assortment! :)

  4. Well congratulations to you! Beautifuyl selection of yarns and they are certainly in the best of hands!

    I adore my Ashford Rigid heddle loom. It is just perfect for my Saori weaving.

    What a thrill to get to "meet" the people behind the name!

  5. Pam- Visit their website for a treat of lovely photos!

  6. Annie, I was out of town last week so I just saw this! Congratulations. Beautiful yarns--I love them even tho' I don't knit or crochet much anymore. Check out my first post about New Mexico. There will be one or two more posts this week--I hope!
