
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Loose Ends

Laverne at CNCH 2010
I've been trying to get a lot of projects finished to clear room for a very exciting upcoming week. This week, I have taken some time off work to WEAVE! The Santa Cruz Handweavers Guild is fortunate this week to have as a guest teacher, Laverne Waddington and I am very excited that I got a place in her 3-day backstrap weaving workshop! I'll be taking pictures during the workshop which I'll be sure to post here.
If you don't know Laverne, here is a little bit about her:
Laverne Waddington is passionate about backstrap weaving. Born in India, raised in Australia she now lives in South America. In 1998, she moved to land locked Santa Cruz in Bolivia- a large city with a small town feel. Life in Santa Cruz, Bolivia is simple and laid back despite the crazy traffic and the blaring tropical rhythms. It is a perfect base from which Waddington travels and continues learning to weave, braid and spin as it shares borders with Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru. Since moving here, she has continued to travel and learn to weave in Ecuador, Guatemala and beyond.
Waddington keeps journals in which she has meticulously documented all the techniques she has learned here over the years with diagrams and step-by-step photos and it is only recently that she has found a forum in which to share all this with other weavers around the world. Visit her blog and let her tell you about her life in Santa Cruz and her weaving and learning experiences. She is the author of Andean Pebble Weave, a monograph on one of the many techniques she has learned in her travels.

Here are some of the loose ends I got tied up.
Finished weaving 5 straps for custom orders.

I wrote two magazine articles. It is a thrill to be asked to do them and I'll let you know where to look when it comes time for them to be published.

Tracked down, ordered and received these aluminum bracelet blanks. I've got ideas for covering them with my woven bands. Maybe that's not an end, but a beginning.
Come to think of it, there are more beginnings than ends. I've got another great idea for a new product, and 5 straps and one scarf to weave. I'd better get to it!

Oh, before I go....    Did you notice the new search box in the upper right of this blog? It is handy for looking up past posts, especially for me. If I can't remember exactly how many times I have written about handwoven shoelaces, I can just type it in and they all show up. Google is so clever!


  1. Sounds like tons of fun!! Happy, happy weaving and enjoying a springtime vacation! :)

  2. What fun! I can hardly wait for your energized after guild post! You have been so busy too. Bet the articles are great, I know those finished bands are.

  3. Theresa- thanks. I liked making many colors in different patterns in the bands that all went together somehow. I hope to show them in use in a future blog post.

  4. How wonderful to have Laverne as a guest teacher! Looking forward to the articles and workshop reports. I had never thought how people put together cloth covered wrist bands with shape. Now I understand.
