
Monday, March 7, 2011

Did You Ever Find Yourself in a Fashion Show by Accident?

Me on stage wearing a Seminole patchwork outfit and a sash woven by me.

Well, I did! And it was Fun!  The fashion show was part of the annual show of the Pajaro Valley Quilt Association.  I've always loved quilts for their patterns, colors and creative way to use fabrics. I've found myself in a group of local talent called the Central Coast Textile Artists. Most of the members create art quilts, art to wear or other such things. I'm the only one in the group who doesn't sew. There is a large overlap between this group and the PVQA. I was looking forward to going to the show on Saturday just to look around and admire, then something funny happened.

 It went something like this:  my friend Jan mentioned on Facebook on Friday that she would be helping Rachel Clark with the fashion show on Saturday. I thought "Oh, the fashion show! I want to see that!
So I responded with a "Can anyone get into the fashion show?" (What I meant was: did it cost extra or require planning ahead or reservations)  Jan then told Rachel that I wanted to be in the fashion show.  So, Saturday morning at 9:30, I opened my e-mail and found a message from Rachel inviting me to be in the fashion show. Just show up at 11:30 for the show at 12:30, she said.  After laughing hysterically about the communication mix-up, I asked my husband "Do you think I could actually do that?"  He assured me that not only could I, but it would be fun.  Rachel suggested that I wear a sash but bring along some of my guitar straps and other items, particularly ones made from unusual materials. 

                                               Rachel Clark at the podium with some of my guitar straps.

I pressed my Seminole patchwork outfit, donned it with one of my woven sashes and my moccasins, and off we went. My husband, ever the good sport went along to cheer and take pictures.  Rachel talked to a packed room about my weaving while I paraded around on stage and through the crowd. Then I went backstage and had several of Rachel's outfits to model as well. I had to tell my dad that the modeling lessons he sent me to at the local department store 40 years ago finally paid off.

Wearing another Rachel Clark outfit. My back is covered in coffee cups! 

To read Rachel's blog, peruse her pattern shop, or see what classes she will be teaching where, visit her website, RDKC- Clothing for the Body And Soul, here.

This stunning jacket was the grand finale in the show. It is covered in ladybugs and was created by I.B. Bayo. You can see his website here.

Besides the fashion show there was a whole hall full of quilts! We browsed aisle after aisle and talked about which ones we liked and why. Some for color, some for pattern, and some for the amazing ability of the artists to put the pieces together in creative ways.

This was one of my favorites. It is the work of Thom Atkins. Thom likes to play with beads and his quilts are just amazing. Thom also belongs to our group, the Central Coast Textile Artists. You can visit his website here to browse through his impressive gallery. This one is called "Tenuous Membrane."

This show includes a lot of high quality work and I look forward to going again next year. I'd even volunteer to be an extra in the fashion show.  Here is my quilt show discovery from two years ago featured in this post.


  1. Beautiful textiles and you did a marvelous job modelling! Thanks for sharing the links too.

  2. It was so fun having you in the fashion show--and I was very glad to have another model!

    Actually, I just told Rachel about OUR misunderstanding (you wanted info about attending the show; I thought you wanted to be in it), and she took it from there. Serendipitous!

    A new venue for you to share your work!

  3. Too funny, Annie!! I love your modeling and of course your textiles!! Great post! xo Cait

  4. Great story! Wonderful pictures, too

  5. Jan- You really are the hero of this story. You got me to do something outside of my comfort zone which was really quite fun. Did I ever tell you what a great job you did organizing the chaos backstage?

  6. Lol, what a great story! Good for you being brave enough to do that, especially last moment and all! :)
