Since many of this blog's readers are interested in inkle weaving, I wanted to share with you an opportunity to weave-along with a group of inkle weavers on Ravelry.
It sounds like fun! Ravelry is free and there is an established inkle weaving group there. It's not just for knitters and crocheters anymore.
It sounds like fun! Ravelry is free and there is an established inkle weaving group there. It's not just for knitters and crocheters anymore.
The weave-along will start March 1st and is open to all skill levels; all types of inkle and warp-faced weavers are invited. Here are the guidelines as stated by the ringleader, Marsha Knox, AKA Pandula Arts.
- We would all use cotton.
- I would like to shoot for at least 3 in. width if your loom will accommodate, if it won’t do 3 in. just try to go wider than your comfort zone.
- I would like for everyone to try to make a longer length than they have in the past. Maybe max your loom.
- Any technique you want to do is okay. From plain weave to very complicated.

All of the photos in this post are the work of Marsha. Looks like she's learned a few tricks on the inkle loom!
I especially admire the double weave strap above which she wove for her friend, Krafty Max.
Oh gosh! I soooo wish I had more time! Sounds like lots of fun!!!