
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

TV Reruns

Five years ago I was given a great opportunity to film a 30 minute TV talk show.
It was quite an accomplishment for me, so I'm going to share it again.

The show aired every other week on CreaTV in San Jose, California. It was called "Darlene Carmen Presents". She and her husband, Doug,  liked to find all sorts of creative people and interview them. They filmed a segment before mine with a group of Polynesian dancers. They were gorgeous!

This may surprise you, but I'm really rather shy.
I'd never been in a TV studio before and was intimidated by all the technical equipment and the 3 GIANT cameras. I had to wait "backstage" for about 45 minutes while they were filming that bit before it was my turn. More time to get nervous. So, I sat and wove. I tried going into the editing room to watch the producer at work, but that just made me more nervous. He told me that there would be no editing later. They go "live to film" and the film gets played in it's entirety. YIKES! Any screw-ups would be part of the final product.

When my time came to be in front of those big cameras, I remember thinking how dry my mouth was (a sign of nervousness) and that when I began to talk, my teeth were sticking to my lips. A few minutes in, I decided that I was either going to die right on the spot or get through it and that helped.
Really, I was shocked when I saw the show later as it  didn't turn out bad.
Hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. That was great, Annie! You are a natural in front of the camera. Everything just flowed effortlessly. Thank you for sharing it. And a book would be a wonderful Idea!
