
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Patterns for 1" Wide Bands

Most often, I seem to work in 2" widths, creating the guitar straps which are the main product that I sell. Consequently, many of the pattern drafts which I have previously shared are for 2" wide bands.
Recently, I made some new products in 1" widths and had difficulty adjusting my designer's mind to this narrower width. I was using the same yarn but had only half as many threads to design with. Wow! At first I was frustrated, but then, after a few tries, I started creating designs which I really liked.

I thought I'd share some of these with you here. Each pattern draft is shown below the photo. Consider the top row of the draft to be heddled warps and the bottom row to be open warps.
If you use any of them, please send me a message with a photo as I really enjoy seeing how my designs inspire other band weavers. And if you like this post, please share it with others in your network on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, etc.

(Note: The yarn I'm using for these is Omega Sinfonia,  a sport weight yarn which is slightly thicker than a #3 crochet cotton. If you use a finer yarn, your woven band will be narrower. Or, if you use a heavier weight yarn, your band will be wider than 1".)


  1. I love your designs! Thank you for sharing them with us. Very much appreciated by those of us who are band weavers.

  2. I love them! Thank you for sharing ;)

  3. I need to practice and I believe these are a great way to start. Please pray for my selvages! That's the only thing I haven't tried!! LOL

  4. I thank you so much vor your patterns. I am a Beginner in plane weaving an your designs are great.
    Thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you for sharing! I love your blog, and your work.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am anxiously awaiting my Schacht Inkle Loom and you are the best resource I have found for patterns and techniques. It's especially encouraging that simple designs can turn out so nice.

  8. Not sure how to send you a photo of my work making ?. Have made a guitar strap from one of your designs

  9. Tack för att du delar med dig av dina fina mönster!

    1. You are welcome! I appreciate knowing that they were helpful to you!

  10. Is it normal for the warp to be much wider looking than the finished band is supposed to be? I just put my first warp on using one of the patterns above and it looks closer to two inches wide than one. I haven't started weaving it yet, so maybe once I do it will come closer to one inch. TIA

    1. M, yes it is! When the warp threads are on the loom, there is space between them. Once you start weaving,they will pull together. Also most of the pegs will be holding both the heddled and unheddled threads at the same time, so this will certainly look twice as wide. If you are using a yarn of a thickness different than mine, the width of your band will be different, too. ~Annie

  11. Lol. I came to your site hoping to learn how to add a buckle to a finished piece. Instead,I'm busy, (wide mouthed) looking at the pretty designs!
    How do I finish a belt using a buckle? I'm very new at this add haven't the slightest idea on how to finish it. I've checked nearly everywhere for books. There are no guilds in my area. Could you be of help? Thanking you in advance.

    1. Hi. Thanks for the nice comment! Because there are so many types of buckles, I'm not sure how to advise you. Most hardware involves threading your woven band through, folding it over (twice to tuck in the raw ends) and stitching. I stitch by hand using a whip stitch. If you want to email me with a photo, perhaps I could give an answer relevant to the specific hardware that you are using. My email address can be found in the blog's sidebar. ~Annie

  12. Me encantan tus diseños, quisiera hacer uno de ellos para un bolso, lo intentaré.
    Buscaré el procedimiento. Espero sea sencillo.

  13. What type of weaving is this? How can i learn? And what is tje machine called? Thank you!

    1. The type of loom I use is an inkle loom, so it's called inkle weaving. You can learn a lot by reading the FAQ's and Answers page on this blog and by checking out some of the sites linked on the Resources page.

  14. I love the patterns. I make my own because honestly I'm not sure how to read the pattern?? Need help understanding. Thank you

  15. I have a description here which I hope will help:
