
Thursday, May 3, 2012

West Coast Horn Fair Follow-Up

Well, that was a good time! What nice folks we met at the Fair. Rick spent the whole weekend listening to some very accomplished horners like John Shorb, Steve Skillman, Steve Vance and Scott Morrison share their knowledge and now he is very inspired. The classes lasted two days and included many fine examples. I only sat in one one session, the one presented by Scott Morrison on design. I'm always interested in how things are designed and what makes a good one vs. a bad one. The ideas he shared go beyond powder horns and I enjoyed the talk. He covered the Golden Mean, which I was glad to have already been introduced to as it takes a while for me to absorb mathematical ideas. To learn more about Scott and his work, check out this blog post.

For most of the two days, I sat weaving and visiting. While there, I completed three straps. 

Two sold right off the loom and the third will be donated as a prize for next year's fair. I forgot to take photos, but Linda Shorb sent me this one. I really like the effect of two color chevrons. 

The David Wright Print, "The Spirit of America"
This print, the grand prize in the raffle, was won by my husband. 
We will be proud to display this one on our wall. 

John and Linda sell cow horns which are cut, polished and ready to be used in this creative art form.
Their website can be found here:
It was fun to watch as John emptied a large sack onto the floor and everyone browsed the pile.

We took a few photos of some of the beautiful horns made by the instructors. 
Steve Skillman had several of these floral designs which I liked very much.

Made By Steve Vance

Another By Steve Vance, copy of an old horn design. 
By Scott Morrison, these two did not feature the intricate scrimshaw carving, but the  shapes and colors were interesting to me. 

 We are glad to have had this opportunity so close to home. Now that we know how much fun this event is, we will be tempted to travel to Oregon for next year's fair! Thanks to all for making it a great weekend!


  1. Annie, I LOVE that 2-color chevron sash, both the design and the colors...I'm getting very curious about this 'golden mean' as a design concept.
    btw, I miss your blogroll! Is it gone for good?

    1. Ingrid- Thanks!
      It was time for me to make some changes in the sidebar. Since I've not been keeping up with reading blogs, I felt that the list had gotten out-dated with some of those not being active. I'll probably put it back up sometime after I've had time to review. ~A
