
Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's All About Guitar Straps

Lately, my focus has been on weaving guitar straps. Over time, this has been the item that I've sold the most of. It's good for me to focus on one type of item at a time. Then I begin to think in terms of heavy cotton and 2" widths and what can be done in that format. Here is a whole Flickr album devoted to guitar straps that I've woven and it only documents some of the ones in the last couple of years!

Of the recently woven collection, here are a few of my favorites.
The pattern reminded me of ancient pueblo pottery with incised designs. 
This one sold quickly from my Etsy shop

This one also evokes the Southwest with it's terra cotta and turquoise. Another quick sale on Etsy.

When I posted photos of this one on my Facebook page, it garnered many comments with a wide range of associations for people. At any rate, it is one that I think is uncommonly nice. After having it listed in my Etsy shop for a while and not selling, my husband asked if we could keep it. He likes it so much that he wants to take up playing guitar. I love him and whether or not he plays guitar, I am happy to have an excuse to keep this one around. 

Because of the lucky Etsy sales, it took me longer to amass a collection for sending off to a gallery. Finally, I selected what I thought was an interesting group, wrapped them up and put them in the mail to the Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center, in Espanola, New Mexico. As a member of the center, I am able to offer my work for sale in their lovely little shop. Over the years, I have sold several pieces from the shop and am just happy to participate in any way that I can and contribute to this gem of a fiber arts center. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness you have been busy! These are all just gorgeous.

    Espanola Valley fiber Arts Center - "gem of a fiber arts center" I am quite certain. I hope one day I will actually get to visit in person. Everything i have heard has been very complimentary. How fantastic your beautiful weavings are being offered for sale there.
