
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Local Girls Make Good

It's been an exciting week at our house!
 My daughter Natasha has one of her photographs in a show called "Works on Paper" at the Santa Cruz Art League. This is a juried show and the first time she has ever submitted any of her photos to a show. Out of three submissions, this one made the grade. Good job, Natasha!

Here she is at the opening reception on Saturday with her photo.  Judging by the other artists we saw at the reception, she is quite a bit younger than the rest. I hope that this experience will encourage her to do more with her lovely photography.

Also this week "The Wheel" magazine went out to 36,000 people world-wide with my article in it!
This publication is from Ashford Wheels & Looms of New Zealand. I was thrilled last year to meet Richard Ashford at Convergence and was invited to weave in the Ashford booth there.
You may remember seeing some of the photos like this one on the blog previously.

 One thing led to another and I soon received an e-mail from his wife, Elizabeth asking me to write an article. She does a wonderful job of editing this magazine which is published but once a year. It is a feast for the eyes! Fiber lovers will get lost in it. I am very happy with how my two-page article appears. It has two parts. One is about me and my inkle weaving life and one is a description of how to weave letters.  If you are a member of the Ashford Club, you will already have your copy. If not, check your local yarn shop. If they carry Ashford products, they will have it.


  1. Congrats to you both on your achievements!

  2. Congrats all around then!

    Well done...

    ..both of you x

  3. Annie,

    I got the mag today and I loved your article.I wonder if your going to be teaching at the weaving concrive next july.I am actually going to be trying to go.I talked my hubby into it.I need to see what classes they will be offering first.

  4. Thanks to all for the congratulations.
    Gail- I wonder if you mean Convergence in Long Beach? I haven't made plans to attend, but would like to. Right now I don't have any teaching plans, but hope to do a class locally.
