
Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's a Loom! It's a Chair! It's Both!

This may have been one of the most exciting discoveries of the year!
I came across it on Weavolution under the "Projects" section.
Being a rather practical person, I am a lover of things that can be used in more than one way.

The chair on the left is warped for weaving.The owner tells of how one of her great-grandparents' chairs was purposefully left without a permanent seat. Instead it had removable slats so that it could be used by her grandfather as an inkle loom. On it, he wove many straps for use around the farm.
The owner is interested to know if anyone else has seen references of a "chair loom." This one came from one of the most remote areas of West Virginia, in the central mountains. Have you ever?  You can leave comments here.
Then, you can also read about how she rescued a curbside give-away chair and turned it into an inkle loom here.
Or how about a spinning wheel made from stick and stones? Read that one here.
This lady uses her old-fashioned ingenuity to recycle discarded or found objects into useful tools.

My deepest gratitude to White Oak Grandmother for sharing her projects as well as her enthusiasm and inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. There's innovation in every generation. Too bad we forget some of it. This is very cool. Now I can tell people why the chairs have no seat woven in them yet! Might have to learn to weave things other than seats though. ;)
