
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rigid Heddle Class

Having woven on inkle looms all of my life, I was kinda lost when I bought a Kromski Harp rigid heddle loom a few years ago. I did a few experiments on it, and then sort of abandoned it.

Maybe it was after entering one of my scarves in the county fair and having the judge say that is would be good for a jacket fabric or something, but it didn't work for a scarf. No drape. I just didn't get it.

I still have hopes of using the loom someday, and when the opportunity arose to take this class last weekend, I did.It was part of the Fall Festival put on by the folks at Newton's Yarn Country in Anaheim
The instructor was Deborah Jarchow. She showed us how to make a warp on a creel and put it onto the loom and answered lots of questions. Her scarves on display really intrigued me. I think a class in Color and Weave is in my future.  For now I bought a bunch of yarn and a couple of books.

 At Newton's shop, they blend and dye their own yarns. I have purchased lots of their yarns at the Northern California Handweavers Conference and also at Convergence. The owners and their employees are always fun to talk to at these events and I hope to get down there and visit their shop more often.


  1. Weaving Made Easy is a really good book to start off with. I think everyone makes "non-drapey" scarves when they first start on rigid heddle. I know I did.

  2. Oh, thank you for saying that! I will keep trying. After my shows are over this month, I think I will take time to do some playing instead of the constant production. Fun!

  3. Deb is my local weaving teacher. *Love* taking her classes. And love the way she combines yarns.

  4. Elisa- Lucky you! I was wishing that I could take more of her classes.
