
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My Recent Projects

Custom order requests are a constant source of fascinating projects for me. I'm always interested in hearing from people about what they wish to have and if I can make that wish come true, I'm excited to do it.
I'd like to share a couple of recent ones with you.

Mike  had a custom tenor guitar built by luthier, Gregory Miller, and wanted a custom made strap to match it. The rosette design around the sound hole is very unique, and a style created by Gregory. When I looked at this, I saw both a symmetrical and an asymmetrical element to the design. Each of these had possibilities for a strap design, but which one to choose? I decided to make two straps and let the customer choose. He chose the asymmetrical one and was kind enough to send me the following photos of the strap with guitar.

Here's the second design, which did not get chosen.

From time to time, I get asked to weave a sash for use by a Native American for their regalia and I always am honored to make a piece which has so much importance to it's user. 
This set of sash and garters were just shipped to a customer in Minnesota whose heritage is of the Wampanoag tribe. He selected colors to match his shirt and apron. 


  1. Always enjoy the photos of your colorful and quality work. Thanks for sharing. You are inspiring me to get out my loom and do something with it !~!

  2. That second one is the bomb. Im just starting on the inkle, is that a basic weave draft for that?

    1. Hi, Joey. Welcome to inkle weaving!
      Both of the guitar straps pictured here are plain weave.
      In the last photo the sash is a pickup design and the pair of garters are plain weave. I make my designs as I'm warping the loom, so none of them have been charted.
