
Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all the best in 2015! I have declared it "A Year to Thrive" and wish this for us all.
For me personally, settling into my new place and making my focus on weaving as a sole means of support, has led to many new ideas which I am excited to explore.

Where the magic happens. Thanks to Betsy from the Inkle Weaving group on Facebook
 for being the first guest in the Weaving Room.

Some of my new avenues of exploration are as follows:

Expand my inventory to include straps for more instruments in addition to guitars. Some of these may become available as kits for other weavers. I'm looking for some NM music shops to carry my straps.

Expand inventory and advertise the straps and sashes which I make for historic reenactors.

Find music festivals, fiber arts shows and Mountain Man Rendezvous events to attend! FUN! I've got a list going and it is amazing. I'll have a good time choosing which ones to apply to.

Draw up more patterns to share and collect them into a book along with my other color and design ideas and theories. To see the patterns which I've already published here follow this LINK. Keep an eye out for more to come as soon as I replace the computer cable which got lost in the move!

Ukulele Straps!

I've added a new page on the blog which will help to answer inquiries about what yarns, looms, books, etc. that I recommend. Check it out HERE.

I'll soon be doing my first giveaway on my Facebook page later this month. I hope you are following me there. The above strap was inspired by a woven tapestry from Irvin Trujillo, called "Germantown Moki". Moki patterns are characterized by alternating blue and black stripes of equal size. This is one of the traditional Rio Grande type patterns. The strap will be fitted with swivel clips at each end so it can carry anything it can be clipped to and will be given to a lucky Facebook fan.

Cheers! Annie


  1. Happy New Year too Annie! Wishing you all the best on your new adventures. You have an exciting year ahead mapped out! Love the "blue and black" strap.
