
Sunday, March 30, 2014

I'm Having So Much Fun, I Don't Know Where to Start!

I've had some great experiences over the last couple of weeks and want to share some of the highlights with you. Some of the others (natural dyeing workshop, special custom orders and new straps for Chimayo bags) will have to wait for later blog posts.

My three Schacht inkle looms. On the left is an all wool sash, center cotton strap which may become a camera strap for my friend, Barb, and on the right is a strap of cotton and linen blend yarns with one single wool spot in the center. 
I posted the above photo to my Facebook page in honor of St. Patrick's Day and it got shared around the world in Thailand by the Thai Textile Society, in Spain by El Talaret, in South Africa by the Cape Guild of Weavers, also in  France, Poland, and Turkey by some enthusiastic individuals. The folks at  Santa Fe Creative Tourism also shared it as well as some other weavers around the U.S.  Wow! So cool! The pickup band in the center got lots of attention and love. After I took this photo, however, I backed up (unwove!) what I had done this far and did a similar but different diamond pattern.

 Here's the finished piece. I finished it while visiting my son, Max, who lives in South Lake Tahoe. He pointed out the interesting optical illusion that the diamonds look larger than the strap itself because of the dark green lines which lead your eye off the edge of the strap. We liked this one!!
Max and I had a few really fun days together. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

Taken on the trail up to Cave Rock

On top of Cave Rock, the best place around the lake to view the sunset from.

Max getting some good shots high above the lake and highway. 

View on a sunny day on the lake aboard the M.S. Dixie, where Max works as a photographer.

This is us having a good time! 

And, I got to sit in the racecar that Max and Brian are building at Because You Can Motorsports. 

You can see more of Max's photography of cars, scenic Lake Tahoe and beautiful people here on his Facebook page


  1. Bonjour
    Ou puis-je acheter ce métier à tisser.
    Merci de bien vouloir me répondre.
    Madame Houlbreque

    1. Mine are made and sold by Schacht Spindle Company in the U.S.
      If you are in France, I recommend that you contact Jeff Bigot through this website. He wrote a very nice program for designing bands and is very helpful.
